Best Pho in Adelaide at 1/3 NNQ King William St

Adelaide’s culinary scene is renowned for its diverse offerings, and among the plethora of dining options, the search for the “Best Pho in Adelaide” led me to NNQ, an Asian cafe with a remarkable presence boasting 9 different outlets. My recent visit to the King William St location enjoying a particularly good bowl of pho.

Situated at 1 King William St, NNQ’s King William St outpost is a bustling spot with a vibrant atmosphere. The cafe is a favorite among office workers, creating a lively environment with a constant flow of patrons returning to their offices. The hum of conversations and the clinking of utensils may make it a little loud, but it adds to the energetic charm of the place.

NNQ’s pho tantalises the taste buds. The broth, considered the heart of any pho, boasts a perfect balance with a slight sweetness that complements the savory notes. I opted to skip the chili, which enhanced the sweetness, creating a delightful flavour profile.

The master broth is enriched with the aromatic essence of Star Anise, providing a distinct and pleasing aroma. This subtle addition adds depth to the broth, making each spoonful a journey of flavours.

The protein elements in NNQ’s pho are praiseworthy. The meat is tender and flavorful, with a standout mention for the delectable meatballs that elevate the dish to new heights. Each bite is a symphony of textures and tastes, creating a harmonious experience for the palate.

For a satisfying lunch in the heart of the city, NNQ offers a generously sized bowl of pho. Priced at $16, the portion is substantial and well worth the cost, considering the quality of ingredients and the overall dining experience. It’s a reasonable choice for those seeking a fulfilling meal without breaking the bank.

The bustling atmosphere at NNQ means the cafe is frequently buzzing with activity, especially during lunch hours. The staff, however, manage the rush efficiently. Though the wait time can extend to 15 minutes, the friendly demeanour of the staff and the bustling ambiance make the experience worthwhile.

NNQ’s success with Vietnamese dishes stands out, and I believe their kitchen staff’s Vietnamese/Australian background plays a significant role. The authenticity of flavours in their Vietnamese offerings surpasses their other Asian dishes, making NNQ a go-to spot for those craving genuine Vietnamese cuisine.

In the quest for the “Best Pho in Adelaide,” NNQ at King William St emerges as a strong contender. From the flavorful broth and exquisite meatballs to the bustling ambiance, NNQ offers a delightful pho experience that captures the essence of Vietnamese cuisine. If you find yourself in Adelaide’s city centre, NNQ is a must-visit for an authentic and satisfying bowl of pho.

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