South Australian Political Priorities – Industries and Job Creation

South Australia’s vigorous program of industrialization depended on the high level of effective tariff protection it enjoyed. This protected the local motor vehicle, household appliance, shipping and electrical industries. Growing SA small businesses with a permanent reduction in company tax. Record funding for the state’s health system including hospitals, cheaper medicines (with a $10 cut … Read more

The Role of Trade and Export in South Australian Politics

South Australia’s natural resources, skilled workforce and research sector have attracted investment in world-leading projects. The state is a leader in the energy transition and aims for net zero emissions by 2050. The state is governed by a bicameral parliament, with the House of Assembly representing individual electoral districts and the Legislative Council comprising members … Read more

The Role of South Australia in Australian Federal Politics

South Australia was one of the first colonies to adopt parliamentary government. Its bicameral parliament operates under responsible cabinet government. In 1894, South Australia became the first state in the world to give women the vote. Since then, the state has been at the forefront of social reform. It has also been an industrial powerhouse. … Read more

South Australia’s Approach to Climate Adaptation and Mitigation

South Australia is taking strong action on climate change to build a stronger, low emissions economy and to help prepare for the impacts of a changing climate. The State reports progress against legislated targets biennially. The agricultural sector generates significant greenhouse gases (GHG) mainly through methane and nitrous oxide. These gases have a much greater … Read more

Water Management and Political Implications

The Murray-Darling Basin Plan has become a political battleground. Hundreds of South Australian irrigators converged on Canberra in December to protest the plan. Brooks’ argument hinges on the idea that there is spare water sloshing around the basin to be reallocated. But experts know that’s simply not true. In fact, the opposite is more likely. … Read more

Defence and National Security – South Australia’s Strategic Position

Each new Australian government seeks to put its stamp on defence policy, including through a new Defence White Paper. The DSR outlines two force structure determinants: ‘deter and defeat armed attacks on Australia’ and ‘contribute to stability in the South Pacific and Timor Leste’. These are important tasks, but the DSR does not address a … Read more

The Future of South Australian Politics – Trends and Predictions

The SA Government is investing in a growing economy. Continuing the Instant Asset Write-Off for small businesses. Providing further tax and cost-of-living relief for families. Keeping people safe in their homes and local communities, including a commitment to online safety reforms. HiAP’s focus on co-benefits and its problematisation of equity closed off the small policy … Read more

Economic Policies and South Australia’s Political Landscape

South Australia is a state with a bicameral parliament. The lower house is the House of Assembly and the upper house is the Legislative Council. Continuing our commitment to Medicare-subsidised telehealth. Expanding our successful wage subsidies to support tradies and apprentices in SA. Supporting SA’s defence industry with record funding, and strong border policies to … Read more

South Australia’s Relationship With China – Political Considerations

The Albanese Government has a clear goal in mind with China: to find new global partnerships and avoid being caught in Beijing’s crosshairs. It is looking to Japan, the U.K and France for help. The state has three trade and investment offices in-market supporting South Australian exporters, Chinese buyers and investors – especially during worldwide … Read more

Education Policies and Their Impact on South Australian Students

Increasing interest in student wellbeing has led to policy initiatives and approaches across different sector contexts. These have been shaped by best-practice research. National reform directions have sought to balance high performance and equity. These remain relevant aspirations. However, a narrowing agenda has privileged private (social mobility) and economic (social efficiency) purposes of schooling. Education … Read more